Free Resources

Free Resources

FreeĀ Course
7 Steps to a Steady & Composed Retriever

This mini-course will deliver a comprehensive, methodical approach to managing creeping, breaking, and noise


FreeĀ Lesson
Bird Handling & Delivery

Freezing on birds can sneak up on you if you donā€™t constantly pay attention to your dog's behavior and address bird handling and delivery issues.Ā Watch for these problem behaviorsĀ and learnĀ how to address them.Ā 


FreeĀ Webinar
Prepare Your Dog for the Working Certificate Test

Are you eager to tap into your retriever's natural abilities?Ā Kevin discusses the WC test requirements and teaches you how to introduce your dog to birds, get them comfortable with gunfire, develop memory for double retrieves and create confidence in the water.


Free Course
Assessing Blinds

This two-part series covers  the tools you need to successfully run blinds. They include understanding how to evaluate a blind, how to develop an effective plan to run the blind and  the mindset that’s required for success.


"I would highly recommend  Kevin Cheff as a dog trainer.  He has trained several dogs for me that were very successful in licensed field trials including FC-AFC B Bumble.

When my dogs graduated from Kevin's program they were everything I wanted in a dog both in performance and as a wonderful companion.  They were stylish, well behaved, well medically maintained and in excellent physical shape.  I'm sure anyone that follows Kevin's program will be well satisfied."

- Fred Kampo